

So there you have it

Another tour done and dusted

The Sydney Tour is officially finito!

And I know I sound like a broken record

But it was a really good time

Made a lot more fun by having the kids along for the ride 


In short:


47 take away coffees

24 awesome sunsets

23 shows

22 more sleeps until I join the UK tour WTF?

21 days in a row I had breakfast with my kids

20 times I meant to go to the gym & didn’t

20 bellies signed

19 times per day my girls made me belly laugh

18 episodes of Sponge Bob the fuckwit Square Pants

17 hours spent stuck in Sydney traffic

16 trips to the supermarket

15 trips to the beach

14 ,000 times Dad farted

13 suspected cases of swine flu thanks Holly

12 plane food meals consumed & only 6 brought back up

11 songs recorded

10 new grey hairs poor mum

9 bald heads signed

8 broken strings

7 nanna naps and only 3 of them were MINE!

6 songs written

5 happy little cousins

4 nutritional MacDonald Meals

3 horse riding lessons

2 bottles of wine per day

and last but not least….





Thanks Sydney!


One comment

  1. Last and least…
    0 times we hooked up…AGAIN! Who the hell said, “One is the lonliest number…” Catch ya’ next time! CJx

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