OK, I’m back on deck
Kind of
After a few days away with the fam
Actually, it was ONE more than a few days ’cause we were having so much fun we didn’t want to come home
So we stayed one extra
Mainly to keep Diamond & I happy
There were waterslides, roller coasters and PUBS to dooooo!
Once I get my pics sorted, I’ll post some up
For now, here are a few from the arcade at the hotel
Taken on my phone – in the dark
Hence the shittyness
Now I normally can’t stand dingy video game arcades
And never go in them
Kind of how I can’t stand Crocs and swore I’d never get a pair
But there was something about our hotel, with it’s abundance of gift shops, bars, restaurants, Starbucks AND a Croc shop
So I got drunk and couldn’t walk in my heels one night and caved in – and bought some Crocs
And those things are C-O-M-F-Y
Why has no one told me this before?
OK, maybe they did
And in return I may have called them fashion victim follower fucktards
I put on my stylin’ new Crocadoodles & went into the arcade with the girls
I gotta tell you, that place was the SHIT
Total awesomeness SQUARED!
Who knew?
OK, you did
Just shut up already with the I-told-you-so’s – alrighty?
I could have spent HOURS in that joint
We tried every game at least once
But my favourite was the boxing game
Firstly, because watching Miss 4 try to hold up her arms and punch some 7 foot Russian mongo looking dude in the face, was just fucking funny
And then I thought it would be a great time to show my girls my mad boxing skills
That I never really had, but like to think I did
And for a while there, I was on FIIIIIYAAAAR!
Jab – jab – left hook – duck – weave
Yeah baby
Float like a hippo – sting like a hyperdermic
You shoulda seen me goooooo
But, like all good things – it came to an end
Right about the time I swung with all my shit
With a deadly right hook
Lost my balance
And punched Miss 4 in the face
Beat THAT Dina Lohan
Fear not, my guilt was abated by copious amounts of icecream, build-a-bears & cuddles
If you saw the shiner I gave her, you’d have bought the kid a PONY
And I would have too
But the gift shop were all out
I think “Accidental Child Abuse” will get you off with a few more reminders…and a few more ice creams, build-a-bears & cuddles
You funny. But you knew that. Heh.
I’ve tried that boxing game before, I couldn’t lift my arms the next day so good on your girls for having a shot, those gloves are HEAVY!