Yesterday Magoo and I were playing outside
There was a few inches of snow to run around in
We were both looking forward to the impending blizzard last night
Just to see how much more snow we’d actually get
And because we’re both really technomological and science-y
And totally not weird at all
We decided to conduct an experiment
Using Ariel, the Little Mermaid
We stuck her outside our front windows in all her glory
FYI – none Magoo’s dolls have clothes
We chose Ariel because she was the only doll in Magoo’s collection that still has arms and legs
Then we went back inside
To take photos of her through the window as the snow fell
She started to look pretty cold out there
Especially once the snowage started stacking up on her beehive
This was after about half an hour
This was this morning from the front window
Woops – we lost her
The view from our back window was even worse
So the girls got bundled up and headed out on their rescue mission straight after brekky
They were digging for nearly 15 minutes
Then they hit paydirt
Or red hair
Either way, they were happy
There was so much snow to get through
And Macaroni insisted that Magoo pull Ariel out gently
So she didn’t hurt her
So Magoo kindly informed her sister that Ariel was probably already dead
She’s subtle like that
They got her out
And Magoo said, “…she’s AWIVE!”
If you don’t count the fact that her nipples seem to have fallen off
She seemed OK
Happy to report she’s now dried off
Warmed up
And inside
Doing rude things with a chipmunk under a blanket
Maybe you might have got more inches if you’d been stood outside nude. Don’t worry about bits falling off, there’s a spare pair on the back of your guitar.
Stay safe Jenny,
Dilli Gaf
Bravo! Three cheers for the marvelous efforts of the rescue team!
HOLY SNOWBLOW! Brrr…Bet Ariel wished she hadn’t given up the tail and the sea urchins…until after rescue. The next generation may have fur, buck-teeth and a furry tail.