blurry halloween


As some of you already know, this is Diamond’s fave holiday, so our house has been decorated within an inch of it’s life for-e-ver!

Flashing lights, blow up black cats, smoke machines, witches on the roof, mechanical spiders

You name it, it’s in our front yard

It’s a fair dinkum freak show….and we love it

It’s Macaroni’s fave holiday too – but that’s mainly because October is her birthday month too

My MIL has always called her a Halloween baby

Which makes me think of shit like this



We went to the pumpkin patch with the girls last week

And I think we can all agree

That my photo skills, are quite possibly getting worse

I believe it’s a direct result of NOT having a drink before we left the house

That doesn’t happen often, and I think my picture taking skills suffered as a result, agreed?

Anyhoo – was a beautiful day, weather was absolutely stunning

And we scored some fab pumpkins

Chalk it up for a win

We’ll take the kids trick or treating after school today

But we’re still undecided if we’re going to bring the Fluffinator along for the festivities this year

Remember the Halloween shenanigans from 2009?

Fluff’s pretty much been in the Halloween naughty corner since then

I’m thinking it might be time to stick a costume on him and take him out again

Fuck it, I could do with a laugh

Hopefully pics (from tonight) won’t suck hairy goat balls

Maybe someone else should be photog?

I’ll be pretty busy balancing the candy cart that will be half empty by the time we get home my drink

And the 130 pound dog

Now I just need to get him a costume

Any suggestions?





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