Macaroni just won an art competition (for the 2nd time) for her drawings
She’s pretty great at it
I love that she sees rewards for doing something she loves to do so much
She writes incredible stories and then adds cartoon illustrations to them
This is a new one she was working on when we Skyped today
A family portrait
How awesome is it?
And not just because she draws me skinny
Awww how cute is she! You have the most gorgeous kids ever! X
yep x
Nicley done.
agreed x
Gotta love the boots and hoops… heh heh
…yep, she knows her Mummy well
Not so generous with the boobs though 🙂
she’s never really seen Mummy in her ‘work’ clothes. *ahem*
Brilliant! How old is she?
she’s 8 🙂