As someone who swears for a living – I like to think that I know ‘how’ to cuss. It’s hereditary.
More importantly, I reckon I know WHEN to do it
Like, NOT in front of my kids if I can help itAnd not in front of people who it may offend
Luckily, my mates couldn’t give a toss – allowing me shitloads of freedom to say whatever the fuck I want
So when I take my kids to their first ever baseball game
I’m not a fan of having to sit behind some wank-stain with this sticker on his back
Next to his girlfriend with ‘FUCK THIS SHIT” written on the front of her cap
Full disclosure: it was Mullet Night at the game, raising money for charity
But I don’t think at a family venue, you need to add the language to your outfit
You can just be a redneck, without having to be a FUCKING redneck, you know?
Call me a prude, whatevs.
Time and place. Time and place.
So, of course Magoo picks that moment to share her newly found reading skills, and starts saying, “…don’t be a dick….don’t be a dick”
Then, “…Mum, what’s a dick?”
I told her, “…see the man with the sign on his back? THAT, is a dick”
She’s like, “…ewww, I don’t ever want to be a dick and look like that”
Followed by Macaroni, with the quote of the night
“…tell that to Miley Cyrus’ Dad”

I hear ya’ sister! TIME & PLACE. Should have scribbled ‘LIKE ME’ under that sign on his back…
next time I’ll take a paint brush!
YES! The finer art of ‘Sneaky Back Graffiti’…hmmm…Trend Setter! 🙂
trend setter…aka TOSSA!
priceless out of the mouths of kids
the adults are usually worse around these parts.
Kids don’t you just love?
Because you never know when the funny little shit will drop you in it!
I know! I have it in stereo.