Oh my-motherfucking-God is this UK /Ireland tour coming around fast!
Not that I’m concerned or anything
*Of course I’m totally not fucking organised and half packed, 43 shows worth of guitar strings ordered, outfits chosen, setlists made, new merchandise designed, ordered the kids Halloween costumes, gifts bought for the 9 birthday parties the girls have coming up, rearrange the whole motherfucking house so Diamond can reach shit after his shoulder surgery this week, try not to kill the dog because he’s doing my fucking head in…and FARK, the more I think about this stuff, the longer the list gets!
Panic time?
Wine o’clock time me thinks. I’m going to chill out on the deck on this beautiful Chicago Sunday, and and watch some more of the video blogs from the last UK tour and ignore my list until tomorrow
*probably not
Hey Jen, Are we going to get weekly vlogs on this tour? Would love to see what you guys get up to? Oh yeah another thing to add to your list is the 50 shades film clip! x
weekly vlogs, possibly not, I have a few different projects to get done while I’m out of the road….BUT…I am filming the 50 Shades clip tomorrow!
YAY, can’t wait for that!
Can you PLEASE post Only Room on youtube? I want to share that on FB! I LOVE that song. And what did Fluffy do to drive you crazy this time???
FOCUS will probably be the next one I put up. But if I DO do a vlog from the UK, I might use Only Room for that…??
Fluffy? I think he’s having a midlife crisis. One that brings out his cuntyness.
That would be awesome, can’t wait! And LOL about Fluffy!