taking one for the team

Over the last few weeks, whenever it’s snowed

Diamond’s gone outside to play in it and shovel it into a big pile

Then he’d pat it down, so it became rock solid

Then a few days ago, he got the shovel out again and started digging

Until he made an igloo

Kinda awesome huh?

I thought so

But the kids were completely unfazed

Oh, Daddy does that every year

And I’m all, well doesn’t that make you lucky?

Yeah I guess, but cant’ we stay inside and watch a movie?

It’s too COLD Mummy

Well, here’s the heads up kids..

Suck it up – you live in Chicago

The winter’s are SUPPOSED to be cold

Anyway, today it finally got above freezing

And they ventured out to play in the igloo for the first time

Which by now was starting to melt

And oh my goodness Mummy, we’re now getting DRIPPED on

And it’s COLD

Man, these kids wouldn’t have lasted 10 minutes growing up in the outback of Australia

As hot as it was in the summer, it was just as cold in the winter

Not that I’d know really

I wasn’t much of an outdoor-sy kinda kid

But that’s beside’s the point

So, they’re outside in their drippy-freezing-looking-like-it’s-about-to-colapse-igloo

Not having much fun

So Diamond suggests a snowball fight

Apparently the snow was perfect ‘packing’ snow

Great to make snowballs with

So I said go for it, I’m heading inside to get a drink and check out facebook start getting dinner ready

But I warned him, they’re GIRLS and totally whining today young

So be gentle

Just take it easy on them, OK??

And shock, horror – he did

They didn’t cry once

And they came inside when they were done

They were doing the ‘happy squeal’, without a scratch on them

Diamond, on the other hand

Looked like he’d been dragged backwards through a sloppy shit storm

And he had a dinosaur egg growing out of his forehead – a HUGE lump

And now HE’S whining about how rough THEY were and that he doesn’t want to play with them anymore ’cause he’s a pussy

And Miss 6 is laughing and says, Daddy thinks I need to learn the difference between Daddy’s PLAYING voice that says, stop, stop, stop it

And he’s NOT PLAYING voice when he says stop, ssstop, STOP IT for-fuck’s-sake-I-think-I’m-having-a heart-attack-you-evil-little-fucking-psychopaths

And she can hardly talk she’s laughing so hard

And Miss 4 chimes in

I’ve had the best day ever Mummy

But Daddy says that when I’m throwing things at him, I need to learn the difference between a snowball and a block of ice


So my husband may have a concussion

But the girls had the ‘best day ever’

And that, concludes today’s lesson in

Taking one for the team

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