
Took the girls horse riding yesterday

We went last time they were in Sydney two years ago

And they still talk about it all the time

It’s been  one of the things they’ve been looking forward to the most about this trip

Macaroni was straight on her horse Brandy

So at ease

Then Magoo got on

And like last time

She shat herself

Possibly even worse than last time

She was trembling

I’m talking TER-I-FIED

Mum & Dad had to hold her for the first 5 minutes

She was shaking with fear

Mum was promising her all sorts of treats to just stay on

Dad was trying to explain getting out of her “comfort zone”

Obviously, Mum was making more sense

And she stayed on the horse

They had a brief little training session in the arena

Where Macaroni started riding without holding the reins and steering her horse with her legs

She was in heaven

With THE biggest grin on her face the whole time

Then Magoo started to relax

It was easy to tell when she got comfortable

She started talking about farting and pulling on her horses ears

The very cool, and unbelievably patient girls that were working with the kids

Decided that the girls were ready to head over to the big park

Where Macaroni was so impressed that all the cars had to stop for them

And just to make Magoo 100% comfortable

She saw this lady trot past and said,

Oh my goodness Mummy – that lady is like, ONE HUNDRED and she is riding her horse and not even having a HEART ATTACK or dying or ANYTHING. I’m only 5 Mummy, so I can TOTALLY do this

She yelled that out so loud that the old lady, and her horse

Turned around so quickly they both nearly broke their necks

That’s my girl

It was such a great way to spend our morning

Despite the fact that it was a lot like exercise trying to keep up with them

Nanna & Poppy didn’t let them out of their sight

While I may have copped a squat on a park bench and called Diamond for a chat

Anyhoo – they both did a great job

For a couple of city kids

Dad was quick to tell them just how proud he was of them

Particularly Magoo

For stepping out of her comfort zone

And she was all,

I know Poppy. I stepped on the horse and didn’t hurt my comfort bone

So cough up the treats already, dude.


  1. lol… That’s priceless… some of the shit that falls out of our babies mouths… love it…. Nan & Pop still being there awesome granndy selfs…xx

  2. YeeeeeeeeeHaw! Good fun for them. I’d be more giddyoff myself…actually the horse would more likely be “giddy-the-f-off-me-fat-arse”

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