Sorry no I’m not Couldn’t help myself (For those of you that don’t know the story you can see it
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happy straya day bogans!
And even better? Happy 92nd birthday NANNA!! [YOUTUBE]gdOXNDUsp4k[/YOUTUBE] Someone should totally show her this vid She’d be so proud.
Continue readingmy brain hurts
I just saw this on the awesome site that is Kelly Oxford (check her out, she fucking hilarious) Anyhoo, she had this
Continue readinglike she needs anymore inspiration to grow up a freak
You guys love me, right? [YOUTUBE]uU6U-8LP1DY[/YOUTUBE] Good Then I think we can agree that Magoo doesn’t need to see this,
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Spend too much time at your desk? Can’t drag yourself away from Twitter? Don’t want to miss a enemies friend’s status update
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Righteo! To celebrate Australia Day (26th Jan) this year This little Aussie is giving away five copies of my new
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Have you seen some of the “Shit [insert something] Says” videos piling up on YouTube? I’ve been laughing my arse
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Well, this just about made my day Hello from ant1mat3rie on Vimeo.
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I should maybe call this ‘shit’ pic, not hit pic Cause it’s Macaroni’s turn to have the gastro bug that
Continue readingnothing will get accomplished around here until I’ve watched every episode, sorry
I’ve been bordering on MIA with the posting of late Was it the kids going back to school? Or maybe
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