One for the more voluptuous ladeez The boys who love ’em And anyone who’s been waiting for me to fuck
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Wife Mother Comedian
One for the more voluptuous ladeez The boys who love ’em And anyone who’s been waiting for me to fuck
Continue readingOur new puppy Eva, likes to watch TV She also likes to eat shoes, fart, bite noses, chew my glasses,
Continue readingI have seen some totally fab things so far this tour Old friends, crazy huge crowds, GPS systems that work,
Continue readingI got to catch up with Ian, a mate of mine, when we were in Hayes Our friendship started years
Continue readingSo I started going to aerobics last week. Because I’m finally ready to stop wearing maternity clothes. Magoo just turned
Continue readingJust saw this lady hanging out at the airport She’s obviously homeless so we gave her a ride If you
Continue readingI first saw this video over at DOOCE. And girls, if there’s ever a video that will have you clutching your
Continue readingMacaroni was the winner of the best bunny nails competition Magoo won for best bunny nails… …that look like Mickey
Continue readingDriving to the show the other night, we go to watch a storm roll in It was an outdoor gig,
Continue readingA preview… [YOUTUBE]qbc61D3ng1U[/YOUTUBE] CLICK HERE to order a copy of WHO DARES GRINS on DVD
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