There’s a lot of blogs I read regularly On of them is SCARYMOMMY I like her She’s smart, funny And
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video(s) of the week
I got this one from Who, on his site says we’re all going to hell for laughing at this
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Flip flops are bad Drinking ’til you’re shitfaced is OK [YOUTUBE]0Au_8GMUxVs[/YOUTUBE] But flip flops will kill you
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The song YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE DANCING came on the radio today And Miss 4 just about lost her
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Some people are unfuckingbelievable And while I’m all about standing next to fat people To make me look smaller Or
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So there’s a ‘Muslim Cleric’ guy in Australia who’s been writing letters to Australian families who have lost a love
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Walking down the main street in Chatham today I saw not one, but two different women Hit their kids Little
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Did you guys read about that South African runner? The really, really fast one? That totally looked like a dude?
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Dear Jenny My son lost his arms when he was 9, and now he’s 14. I’m kid of uncomfortable sharing
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