Sitting backstage in Gravesend after our second show I’ve got a feeling I’m going to sound like a broken record
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Wife Mother Comedian
Sitting backstage in Gravesend after our second show I’ve got a feeling I’m going to sound like a broken record
Continue readingTonight was the first night of the UK /Ireland tour Show one, out of 43. And holy shit, what an
Continue readingI’m happy to report that everyone was totally lovely to me, when I arrived this morning at Heathrow Nothing but
Continue readingIt was Macaroni’s turn for her birthday rollerskating party today And after the bruise-fest that was Magoo’s party earlier this
Continue readingMacaoni got a last minute phone call to go on a playdate with a new friend from school While she
Continue readingI’m soooooo fucking drunk excited right now, you guys! It’s here!! It’s the most downloaded song from the new album, F.O.C.U.S. And now….
Continue readingThis afternoon the kids were simultaneously doing their homework and complaining about how much homework they have and how strict
Continue readingI am la-la-lurving the design for the new shirts for the UK /Ireland tour! Waddya reckon?
Continue readingMagoo: Fluffy told me he likes the new lady that comes to clean him WAY better than the other lady
Continue readingDon’t get all excited by the title of this post I didn’t make a porno Although if THE idea of
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